People have many varied perceptions of what Feminism is.
Some people still think it’s about hairy lesbians (not that there is anything wrong with that) who hate men. Others have moved on from that but think it is bad because it puts pressure on women to be everything to everybody i.e mother, money maker, academic, sex goddess..the list goes on.
In actual fact the F word is about CHOICE and equality. It is about paternity leave.
Some think its redundant, unnecessary, that we have equality and the winging should stop.
I believe we still need the F word because I have observed and personally experienced many attacks on femininity. Some subtle, others direct.
I consider myself a feminist.
I like men, wear make-up, think porn is ok (I can hear some of you gasping- more on this later) and shave my legs (you dont have to. Do what you like. Paint your face green if you like).
The purpose of this blog will be to share opinions, ideas, experiences and observations on issues of gender inequality facing people today. Men are NOT excluded from this space. In fact male input would be greatly appreciated.
My hope is we can grow & learn together.
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